Not an Urban Fantasy

The Sacrifice (The Fey #1)The Sacrifice by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I listened to the audio version of this book, read by David DeSantos. It was part of a marketing campaign where offered the first book in a series for free. I was a little reluctant to read this because I thought it would be like the urban fantasy type stories so trendy today. Thank goodness I decided to give it a try. It’s sword and sorcery fantasy, and would appeal to readers that like that genre. And Audible did a smart thing, giving away the first book – because they’ll definitely get my money for the rest of the series.

The story takes place on an island country called Blue Isle that is invaded by "The Fey" – brutal, beautiful, fighting people using sorcery to take over every country they come across. They’ve been successful, until they reach Blue Isle. The island is home to a people that are peaceful, devoted to their religious beliefs.

The Fey are amazed that these simple people seem to have a magic greater than their own; strong enough to create a poison that will kill the Fey instantly.

The poison is really the holy water used in religious ceremonies by the islanders. Their religious leader is appalled that this symbol of their belief has become a weapon of murder.

One review I read said that the characters in this book were inconsistent and kept changing. I think the author was just very adept at creating a first impression and then exposing the motivations and depth of the characters through the plot.

The audio presentation of this book was very well done. David DeSantos conveyed each character’s voice, making it easy to follow who was speaking and who was the focus.

I have four more books to look forward to in this series, and can’t wait to get into them.

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